In the Light

Flowing with Grace

Ishvara Pranidhana is the fifth Niyama. The Niyamas, the five social observances, are the second of the eight limbs of yoga. Ishvara Pranidhana translates as “surrender to god” but it …

The Chakra Chronicles, Part 2

In my last blog entry, The Chakra Chronicles, Part 1, I offered an introduction to the energy centers of the body known as the chakras (wheels). We began with the …

The Chakra Chronicles, Part 1

Chakras. What are they exactly? You’ve heard your yoga teacher talk about grounding to balance your root chakra, stoking the fire of your solar plexus, or sending the breath up …

Desperately Seeking Sattva

As we continue to navigate this uncertain time, let us return to the ancient wisdom of yoga to more deeply understand the forces at play in the Universe. This month we will dive into the three Gunas (qualities of nature). We will study their cyclicality, their individual attributes, and the way they influence the quality of our actions. The word “guna” means “strand” and they serve as the essential building blocks of matter much like a DNA strand. In addition to their physical nature, they carry an emotional quality as well.

The 5 Kleshas
The Roots of Suffering

During these unprecedented times, it seems appropriate to revisit the ancient wisdom of the Vedas and consider the Five Kleshas – the roots of suffering. In Sanskrit Klesha means “poison”…

A plumeria blossom heralds spring

A Celebration of Spring

The Vernal Equinox heralds a time of awakening. What do you wish to bring to life in yourself?
Are you ready to invite change? Maybe it’s time to start an old hobby again or discover a new
one? If you want to make a personal shift, Spring is the time to set those intentions and follow
through with actions that will bring them to fruition in the coming months.

Michelle Roy standing in front of Dragonfly Wellness

Welcome Home

Some time ago I had a vision. A vision of a little cottage, sweet and inviting, bright and cheerful. A very special place, where magic happens. A place where the dragonflies dwell…